The Re-Animators
The Re-Animators is dedicated to bringing overlooked movies back to life. Celluloid-certified cinema connoisseurs Doug and Mike delve deep into movies that you probably haven't seen but should.
15 episodes
Mississippi Grind
After a hiatus, the boys are back! Accompany them on a journey down the Mississippi, with this fairly recent yet overlooked gambling film.
Episode 15

Celebrating a year of the show, the boys discuss Lars von Trier's controversial masterpiece.
Episode 14

Under the Skin
Curious to hear Doug and Mike talk about Scarlett Johansson stalking the streets as a predatory alien? Tune in here!
Episode 13

They Live
Is television mere entertainment? Or is it a tool used by aliens to secretly enslave the human race? Find out here!
Episode 12

SLC Punk!
For this episode, the boys get anti-corporate and raw, as they discuss James Merendino's tribute to post-adolescent angst and punk rock music.
Episode 11

American Movie
Doug and Mike discuss their first documentary, in which a colorful cast of characters attempt to make a major motion picture.
Episode 10

It Follows
Join Doug, Mike, and special guest Emilie (aka The Queen of Horror) on this Halloween inspired episode, as they discuss the many layers of David Robert Mitchell’s supernatural horror film “It Follows.”
Episode 9

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
In this episode of The Re-Animators, Doug and Mike discuss the life journey of an olfactory genius, who also happens to be a serial killer...
Episode 8

Being There
Join Doug and Mike as they discuss Being There, an under-appreciated classic about an enigmatic gardener.
Episode 7

Bone Tomahawk
For this episode, join the boys, along with special guest Travis, as they discuss S. Craig Zahler's brutally violent, yet excellently crafted, horror western.
Episode 6

Another Earth
What would happen if we spotted a twin earth in the night sky? Come and find out, as Doug and Mike explore Mike Cahill and Brit Marling's underappreciated modern sci-fi drama.
Episode 5

Mike and Doug delve into Woody Allen's under-appreciated drama about a family in crisis.
Episode 3